Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Sep 07 04:27:15
2017-F02       2457898.68 2017 May 25 0420:00  Electron                 -      1                    It's A Test              -                        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    224      -  -               0.020 RLABN        OF   C                        Sat LEO OO               -                    -
2018-010       2458139.57 2018 Jan 21 0143     Electron                 -      2                    Still Testing            Electron 02 Rideshare    Dove/Lemurs              -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    536      -  -               0.022 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               -                    -
2018-088       2458433.66 2018 Nov 11 0350     Electron                 -      3                    It's Business Time       Electron 03 Rideshare    CICERO 10/Lemurs         -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    520      -  -               0.125 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               -                    -
2018-104       2458468.77 2018 Dec 16 0633     Electron                 -      4                    This One's For Pickering Electron 04 Rideshare    Elana XIX                -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    520      -  -               0.052 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               -                    -
2019-016       2458571.48 2019 Mar 28 2327     Electron                 -      5                    Two Thumbs Up            R3D2                     -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    441      -  -               0.160 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2019-026       2458608.75 2019 May  5 0600     Electron                 -      6                    T.A.Funny Looking Cactus STP 27RD                 Harbinger                -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    515      -  -               0.161 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2019-037       2458663.69 2019 Jun 29 0430     Electron                 -      7                    Make It Rain             BlackSky Global 3        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    465      -  -               0.066 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2019-054       2458715.01 2019 Aug 19 1212     Electron                 -      8                    Look Ma No Hands         BlackSky Global 4        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    558      -  -               0.085 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2019-069       2458773.56 2019 Oct 17 0122     Electron                 -      9                    As The Crow Flies        Palisade                 -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                   1224      -  -               0.040 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2019-084       2458823.85 2019 Dec  6 0818     Electron                 -      10                   Running out of Fingers   Electron 10 Rideshare    ALE-2                    -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    416      -  -               0.080 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-007       2458879.62 2020 Jan 31 0256     Electron                 -      11                   Birds of a Feather       NROL-151                 NROL-151                 -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    596      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-037       2459013.72 2020 Jun 13 0512:12  Electron                 -      12                   Don't Stop Me Now        NRO/ANDESITE/M2PF        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    604      -  -               0.213 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-F05       2459035.39 2020 Jul  4 2119:36  Electron                 -      13                   Pics or It Didn't Happen Electron 13 Rideshare    CESAT-1B/Flock 4e        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    195      -  -               0.103 RLABN        OF   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-060       2459092.63 2020 Aug 31 0305:47  Electron                 -      14                   I Can't Believe It's..   Sequoia                  -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    546      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-077       2459151.39 2020 Oct 28 2121:27  Electron                 -      15                   In Focus                 Electron 15 Rideshare    CESAT-IIB/Flock 4ep      -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    529      -  -               0.086 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-085       2459173.60 2020 Nov 20 0220:01  Electron                 -      16                   Return To Sender         Electron 16 Rideshare    Dragracer/BRO/SpaceBEE   -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    551      -  -               0.063 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2020-098       2459198.92 2020 Dec 15 1009:27  Electron                 -      17                   The Owl's Night Begins   Strix-Alpha              -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    513      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2021-004       2459234.81 2021 Jan 20 0726     Electron                 -      18                   Another One Leaves..     BIU GMS-T                -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                   1218      -  -               0.050 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2021-023       2459296.44 2021 Mar 22 2230     Electron                 -      19                   They Go Up So Fast       Global-5/Pathstone       -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    559      -  -               0.153 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2021-F02       2459349.97 2021 May 15 1111:39  Electron                 -      20                   Running out of Toes      Global-8/Global-9        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    136      -  -               0.110 RLABN        OF   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2021-068       2459424.75 2021 Jul 29 0600     Electron                 -      21                   It's a Little Chile UpH. Monolith                 STP-27RM                 -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    611      -  -               0.020 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2021-106       2459536.57 2021 Nov 18 0138     Electron                 -      22                   Love at First Insight    Global-14/Global-15      -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    505      -  -               0.130 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OP 1             Wire                 -                    -
2021-120       2459557.50 2021 Dec  9 0002:07  Electron                 -      23                   Data With Destiny        Global-16/Global-17      -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    444      -  -               0.130 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OP 1             Wire                 -                    -
2022-020       2459639.36 2022 Feb 28 2037:25  Electron                 -      24                   The Owl'sNight Continues Strix Beta               -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                    613      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2022-034       2459672.03 2022 Apr  2 1241:38  Electron                 -      25                   Without Mission a Beat   Global-18/Global-20      -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    459      -  -               0.130 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OP 1             Wire                 -                    -
2022-047       2459702.45 2022 May  2 2249:52  Electron                 -      26                   There and Back Again     E-Space Demo             -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    536      -  -               0.064 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2022-070       2459758.91 2022 Jun 28 0955     Electron                 L      27                   CAPSTONE                 CAPSTONE                 -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                 150000      -  -               0.325 RLABN        DS   C/G                      Sat DSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2022-079       2459773.77 2022 Jul 13 0630     Electron                 -      28                   Wise One Looks Ahead     NROL-162                 -                        -         MAHIA    LC1A             -        -                    595      -  -               0.100 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2022-091       2459795.71 2022 Aug  4 0500     Electron                 -      29                   Antipodean Adventure     NROL-199                 -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                    643      -  -               0.100 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2022-113       2459838.36 2022 Sep 15 2038     Electron                 -      30                   The Owl SpreadsIts Wings Strix-1                  -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                    589      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2022-127       2459860.21 2022 Oct  7 1709:21  Electron                 -      31                   It Argos From Up Here    GAzelle                  -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.118 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2022-147       2459888.23 2022 Nov  4 1727:14  Electron                 -      32                   Catch Me If You Can      MATS                     -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.054 RLABN        OS   C/OG                     Sat SSO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2023-011       2459969.46 2023 Jan 24 2300:00  Electron                 -      33                   VA is for Launch Lovers  Hawk 6                   -                        -         MARS     Pad 0C           -        -                      -      -  -               0.093 RLABU        OS   C                        Sat LEO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2023-035       2460020.44 2023 Mar 16 2238:59  Electron                 -      34                   Stronger Together        Capella 9/10             -                        -         MARS     Pad 0C           -        -                      -      -  -               0.224 RLABU        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2023-041       2460027.89 2023 Mar 24 0914:56  Electron                 -      35                   The Beat Goes On         Global-19/Global-5       -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.130 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OL               Wire                 -                    -
2023-062       2460072.54 2023 May  8 0100     Electron                 -      36                   Rocket Like A Hurricane  Tropics SV05/SV06        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.008 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2023-073       2460090.66 2023 May 26 0346     Electron                 -      37                   Coming To A Storm Near Y Tropics SV03/SV07        -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.008 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2023-S29       2460113.56 2023 Jun 18 0124     HASTE                    -      38                   Scout's Arrow            DYNAMO-A                 -                        -         MARS     Pad 0C           -        -                    300?  1300  -               0.000 RLABU        SS   C/G                      Hypersonic               -                    -
2023-100       2460143.56 2023 Jul 18 0127     Electron                 -      39                   Baby Come Back           Electron 39 Rideshare    LEO-3/Starling/Lemur     -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.088 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2023-126       2460180.49 2023 Aug 23 2345     Electron                 -      40                   We Love The Nightlife    Capella 11 Acadia-1      -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.180 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2023-F08       2460206.79 2023 Sep 19 0655     Electron                 -      41                   We Will Never Desert You Capella 12 Acadia-2      -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                    100?     -  -               0.180 RLABN        OF   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    Stage 2 electrical arc
2023-196       2460293.67 2023 Dec 15 0405:54? Electron                 -      42                   The Moon God Awakens     QPS-SAR-5                -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.120 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-022       2460340.77 2024 Jan 31 0634     Electron                 -      43                   Four of a Kind           Lemur SSA 1-4            -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.100 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-034       2460359.12 2024 Feb 18 1452     Electron                 -      44                   On Closer Inspection     ADRAS-J                  -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-047       2460382.13 2024 Mar 12 1503     Electron                 -      45                   Owl Night Long           Strix-3                  -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-053       2460390.81 2024 Mar 21 0725     Electron                 -      46                   Live and Let Fly         NROL-123                 USA 350-352              -         MARS     Pad 0C           -        -                      -      -  -               0.130 RLABU        OS   C/G                      Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-077       2460424.44 2024 Apr 23 2232     Electron                 -      47                   Beginning of the Swarm   Neonsat-1                Neonsat-1                -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.116 RLABN        OS   C/OG                     Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-099       2460455.82 2024 May 25 0741     Electron                 -      48                   Ready, Aim, Prefire      PREFIRE-1                -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.010 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-108       2460466.64 2024 Jun  5 0315     Electron                 -      49                   Prefire and Ice          PREFIRE-2                -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.010 RLABN        OS   C/G                      Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-114       2460482.26 2024 Jun 20 1813     Electron                 -      50                   Kineis 1-5               Kineis                   -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.140 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-137       2460525.19 2024 Aug  2 1639     Electron                 -      51                   Owl for One, One for Owl Strix-4                  -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.150 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat SSO OO               Wire                 -                    -
2024-142       2460534.05 2024 Aug 11 1318     Electron                 -      52                   A Sky full of SARs       Capella 13 Acadia-3      -                        -         MAHIA    LC1B             -        -                      -      -  -               0.180 RLABN        OS   C                        Sat LEO OO               Wire                 -                    -