Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Sep 07 04:27:15
2006-F01       2453819.44 2006 Mar 24 2230     Falcon 1                 -      F001                 Falconsat-2              Falconsat 2              -                        -         KMR      OM               -        -                      5?     -  -               0.020 SPX          OF   C                        Sat LEO O                Wire                 -                    -
2007-F02       2454180.55 2007 Mar 21 0110     Falcon 1                 -      F002                 Demosat                  AFSS/LCT2                -                        -         KMR      OM               -        -                    330?     -  -               0.020 SPX          OF   C                        Sat LEO O                Wire                 -                    -
2008-F01       2454681.65 2008 Aug  3 0334     Falcon 1                 -      F003                 Trailblazer              ORS Trailblazer          -                        -         KMR      OM               -        -                     40?     -  -               0.170 SPX          OF   C                        Sat LEO O                Wire                 -                    -
2008-048       2454738.47 2008 Sep 28 2315     Falcon 1                 -      F004                 Ratsat                   Mass simulator           -                        -         KMR      OM               -        -                    644      -  -               0.165 SPX          OS   C                        Sat LEO O                Wire                 -                    -
2009-037       2455026.65 2009 Jul 14 0336     Falcon 1                 -      F005                 Razaksat                 MACSat                   -                        -         KMR      OM               -        -                    690      -  -               0.180 SPX          OS   C                        Sat LEO O                Wire                 -                    -