Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Sep 07 04:27:15
2017-S102      2458086.26 2017 Nov 28 1818     Hwasong-15               -      -                    Missile 11111701         -                        -                        -         PYONGS   -                -        -                   4475    950  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-S110      2459886.49 2022 Nov  2 2340     Hwasong-15               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    LP1?             -        -                   1920    760  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-A07       2459654.52 2022 Mar 16 0030     Hwasong-17               ?      -                    Missile 03031203         -                        -                        -         SUNAN    LP1              -        -                     10?     0  -               0.000 JRG          MF   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-U01       2459662.73 2022 Mar 24 0534     Hwasong-17               ?      -                    -                        -                        Hwasong-15?              -         SUNAN    LP1              -        -                   6248   1090  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Sat LEO S                Wire                 -                    -
2022-U03       2459901.55 2022 Nov 18 0114     Hwasong-17               -      -                    Missile 09151751         -                        -                        -         SUNAN    LP4              -        -                   6100   1000  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Sat LEO S                Wire                 -                    -
2023-U01       2459993.85 2023 Feb 18 0822     Hwasong-15               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    LP4              -        -                   5768    989  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Sat LEO S                Wire                 -                    -
2023-U02       2460019.42 2023 Mar 15 2210     Hwasong-17               -      -                    Missile 09151775         -                        -                        -         SUNAN    LP5              -        -                   6045   1000  136E 41N?       0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Sat LEO S                Wire                 -                    -
2023-F06       2460095.39 2023 May 30 2127     Cheonlima-1              -      6                    Manligyeong-1 F1         -                        -                        -         SOHAE    LC2              -        -                    150?     -  -               0.200 KCST         OF   G                        Sat SSO O                 -                    -
2023-F07       2460180.28 2023 Aug 23 1850?    Cheonlima-1              -      -                    Manligyeong-1 F2         -                        -                        -         SOHAE    LC2              -        -                    500?     -  -               0.200 KCST         OF   G                        Sat SSO O                 -                    Stage 3 accidental destruct
2023-179       2460270.07 2023 Nov 21 1342:58  Cheonlima-1              -      -                    Manligyeong-1 F3         -                        -                        -         SOHAE    LC2              -        -                      -      -  -               0.200 KCST         OS   G                        Sat SSO O                 -                    -
2023-A20       2460271.09 2023 Nov 22 1405     Hwasong-15               ?      -                    Unknown missile          -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     10?     0  -               0.000 JRG          MF   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2024-F02       2460458.07 2024 May 27 1344?    NK Kerolox LV            -      -                    Manligyeong-1 F4         -                        -                        -         SOHAE    LC2              -        -                     10?     -  -               0.200 KCST         OF   G                        Sat SSO O                Wire                 -                    Stage 1 explosion