Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Sep 07 04:27:15
2020-F04       2458995.33 2020 May 25 1950     LauncherOne              -      R02                  Starshine 4?             -                        -                        B747-744  MHV      RW12/30          WTR      LP15                  10?     -  -               0.040 VORB         OF   CG/G                     Sat SSO L                Wire                 -                    -
2021-002       2459232.32 2021 Jan 17 1938:51  LauncherOne              -      R03                  Elana XX                 -                        -                        B747-744  MHV      RW12/30          WTR      LP15                 535      -  -               0.030 VORB         OS   CG/G                     Sat LEO L                Wire                 -                    -
2021-058       2459396.12 2021 Jun 30 1447     LauncherOne              -      R04                  STP-27VPA                Tubular Bells I          -                        B747-744  MHV      RW12/30          WTR      LP16                 543      -  -               0.036 VORB         OS   CG/G                     Sat LEO L                Wire                 -                    -
2022-003       2459593.45 2022 Jan 13 2252     LauncherOne              -      R05                  STP-27VPB                Above The Clouds         -                        B747-744  MHV      RW12/30          WTR      LP17 A               505      -  -               0.044 VORB         OS   CG/G                     Sat LEO L                Wire                 -                    -
2022-074       2459762.79 2022 Jul  2 0653:00  LauncherOne              -      R06                  STP-S28A                 Straight Up              -                        B747-744  MHV      RW12/30          WTR      LP17 B               499      -  -               0.078 VORB         OS   CG/G                     Sat LEO L                Wire                 -                    -
2023-F01       2459954.46 2023 Jan  9 2308:59? LauncherOne              -      R07                  UK launch                Start Me Up              -                        B747-744  NEWQ     RW12/30          CELS     LP1                    -      -  -               0.073 VORB         OF   C/OG                     Sat LEO L                Wire                 -                    -