Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Sep 07 04:27:15
2023-F04       2460026.64 2023 Mar 23 0325:00  Terran 1                 -      1                    GLHF                     -                        Good Luck Have Fun       -         CC       LC16             -        -                    130      -  -               0.001 RELSP        OF   C                        Sat LEO O                -                    -